They told us that it is no point: now everything is produced in China at low cost and we cannot compete with their prices.
They told us that even the BIG FASHION BRANDS no longer produce in Italy. Why should we try then?
They told us to buy low quality leather because what matters is only the final profit and that the customer can't tell the difference.
But we have chosen to be SUSTAINABLE, ARTISANAL and INDEPENDENT.
We have chosen to produce leather bags only in Italy by the best artisans and to use only high quality leathers that we rescue from dusty warehouse corners. They were the leathers produced for big fashion brands and remained unsold.
We have chosen to produce quality leather bags and accessories with essential and timeless design: because we want to enhance the material they are made of, LEATHER. The star of the show for us must be quality: we want to create high quality items quality at an affordable price.
Because we believe it is time for beautiful, durable and carefully made things.
This is our IDEA of MADE IN ITALY: not an Italian name on a label of a product made elsewhere.
Because the expression 'MADE IN ITALY', not only in leather goods, is a concept that involves a unique tradition of quality and 'know-hows' that otherwise might disappear.
Luckily, consumers are more informed and looking for quality more the quantity; thanks to leather industry insiders and independent bloggers who are fighting to get this message across.
Buy original Made in Italy bags, handcrafted and of high quality. This is the only way to fight counterfeiting and the loss of value of the whole system.
A great example is Ornella Auzino, a Neapolitan bag manufacturer and blogger who for many years has been promoting quality Made in Italy brands and the artisans of the leather goods sector.
Read thearticle that Ornella wrote about us on his blog or watch the video about us and his review of ours Punch Purple Heather Backpack.
Choose the real Made in Italy, produced entirely in Italy! And stay away from 'italian sounding' imitations!